How to Avoid Committing the 5 Deadly Sins of Skin Care

We all want to look young. That goes without saying. But we have a lot of control over the pace at which our skin ages. There are good things we can do for our skin, like using Shiseido and other products that cleanse, moisturize and protect our skin and thus keep it looking youthful.

And then there are the sins. The deadly sins of skin care...which, when we commit, speeds up the aging process, making us look older than we really are, sometimes much older. It's much easier to not get into problems in the first place, then to try and fix the damage that results from these sins. Following are those deadly sins and how to avoid committing them.

The Five Deadly Sins of Skin Care

Tanning. Girls, especially you younger ladies, going to the tanning booth or beach is like making a deal with the devil. You might look good now, but you're trading in small short-term improvements for a frightful future. Don't do it!
Drinking. You ever look in the mirror when you wake up in the morning after a hard night of drinking? Say hello to your very own 'ghost of Christmas future'. You'll like that permanently one day, but the booze just brings those days closer. Cut down on the booze.
Smoking. I can spot a smoker from how her face looks. It's that obvious so don't kid yourself if you don't think we see that puckered look, that off-color skin tone, and the wrinkles that go with it. Quit!
Poor Nutrition. Get your fruits and veggies. Fatty burgers and pizza do not a nice complexion make. Eat right and your skin will improve quickly.
Failing to Moisturize. Moist skin is young skin. All of the above sins work to dry out your skin and accelerate the aging process. Moisturizing with Shiseido Future Solution, Benefiance or Bio-Performance is the best way to avoid committing this sin and minimize the effects of the other sins.
So remember these sins and more importantly, remember not to commit them!

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