Acne Is Bad For Your Problem

We are taught from birth that washing our face is something that we need to do every day. If you're like most of us, however, washing your face feels more like a chore that you have to do than something you should make the time to do. Even after spending years in puberty and battling against regular acne breakouts, washing your face is more of a hassle, especially when all you want to do is go to sleep! Unfortunately, washing your face is the only way to keep dirt and other things from getting into your skin and clogging your pores. Do you still want to be prone to breakouts in your thirties and onward? Here is how you keep your face clean and keep acne away.

Be gentle when you wash your face! Scrubbing is bad for you! Scrubbing can leave your face open for pore clogging agents. Putting too much pressure on your skin when you wash your face can injure the sensitive skin you are trying to keep clean and can leave it more damaged than anything else. Giving yourself scrubbing scars can be very embarrassing! You need to have a firm but gentle touch when you wash your face. Don't worry--it can be done! After you wash your face take a look at it--if it is bright red then you used too much pressure. Bright red is not okay, but you do want to have a little bit of a flushed look. Go for the glow, not the stoplight effect. Seek the help of a dermatologist. There are some adults out there whose acne is so bad they need to seek professional help to get it under control. If you have tried everything that you can think of and nothing is working and you are still suffering from painful and extensive acne, it might be time to enlist the help of a doctor. A professional will be able to prescribe extra strength acne fighters to help you. Your doctor or dermatologist might figure out that your acne is a medical condition and not simply a case of clogged pores. Some acne issues are the result of genetics or other health conditions. A skin care professional will be able to properly diagnose your acne and breakouts and will be able to give you directions on how to cure them.

What about the natural products that are already in your kitchen and bathroom that could help you combat those zits? Did you know that toothpaste might be able to cure pimples? Squeeze some toothpaste onto a pimple or zit after it has formed and leave it on overnight. The zit should be much smaller in the morning (do not try this if you have pets who might try to lick the toothpaste off of your face while you sleep, doing so could make them sick). You might also try using egg whites in your facial cleanser and as a zit reducer. You can either do spot treatment by putting some egg whites directly onto your pimples or you can use the egg whites to make a facial mask. Sometimes the best thing you can do to treat your acne is to go back to basics: keep your face clean and keep your hands away from breakouts. Once in a while the basic cleanser is not enough and you need to use a product that is a little bit harsher. The good news is that, whether you are in your teens, twenties or sixties--there are plenty of ways to help you keep the acne at bay!

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