Basic Acne Fighting Methods

Basic Acne Fighting Methods

As a teenager having acne is just part of growing up. It is inconvenient and can make us embarrassed but we can take comfort in knowing that everyone else at school is dealing with the same thing. Puberty is supposed to be the worst of our acne years; by adulthood we're supposed to be mostly finished with it. Even random and small breakouts can freak us out when we are grown up because we thought we were over all of that nonsense! Finding a few zits or pimples in the morning can be enough to send a fully grown adult into a childhood regression. Adult acne is often very painful, which is another reason so many adults dread breaking out. No matter what number your age starts with, use these hints to help you deal with your next breakout.

Do you get enough of your daily vitamins and minerals? It might sound odd, but some peoples' bodies react to an imbalance in diet by breaking out. Acne can be a symptom that some part of your body's health is lacking in some way. Taking a multi-vitamin every morning can be an easy way to take care of this type of acne problem. Taking vitamins won't correct your malnutrition completely but it is a good step in the right direction. The reason you break out when you are malnutritioned is that your body starts producing more sebum which will clog your pores and make it easier for you to break out (and for bacteria to get in). Watching what you eat and taking your vitamins can keep this type of acne from happening.

Take care to use beauty products that do not contain a lot of oil. Even your facial cleanser might have oil in it! The main goal of washing your face at all is to get rid of the oil that finds its way into your pores. When you go shopping be sure to look at the ingredients of the different products that you buy. Powder bases are better for your skin because they contain less oil (or none at all) than the liquid based cosmetics on the counter. A facial cleanser should be light and feel more like lotion than soap, so stay away from super heavy liquids or cleansers that start out as solids. Be careful and use your common sense!

Have you thought about using natural products to help you fight your acne? You might try squeezing some toothpaste on that pimple. Put some toothpaste on your zits or pimples after they formed and then leave them alone overnight. When you wake up, you will see that the pimple or zit has gotten a lot smaller (do not try this if you have pets who roam free at night because tasting the toothpaste could make them very sick). Lots of people use egg whites to clean their faces and reduce their breakouts. Either make a face mask from the egg whites and leave it on over night or dab some egg white onto a pimple with a q-tip. One of the best ways to treat acne breakouts is to simply stick to the basics: wash your face and keep your hands to yourself. Other times you'll need something more powerful to help you fight acne. You should be happy to know that while acne does not discriminate against age, neither do acne fighting agents-you should be able to find something to cure your breakout no matter what your number is.

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