The Benefits of Humic Nutients

The unfortunate reality that exists today is that the foods we eat are much less mineral rich than before. This is especially with the organically complex trace minerals. These complex minerals come from the soil. Commercial farming with the use of pesticides, fertilizers and genetically modified organisms (GMO's) have made our foods much less mineral rich.

Healthy soil contains most if not all vitamins including humic acid and fulvic acid. Humate is the term given to all humic substances. Fulvic acid is found in humic acid and has a strong influence on the metabolic process of plants and the health of the soil for which plants grow.

It is only recently that scientific research has been performed on humic acid.

Studies have shown that humic acid impairs the attachment of certain viruses to their respective hosts. As a result, these viral infections can be impeded. Several studies have shown that many other viruses have been inhibited by humic acid as well. This anti-viral property of humic acid may be considered "broad spectrum" meaning that it may be useful versus many viruses.

The mechanism of action of humic acid is believed to be the blockage of the virus from attaching to and entering a healthy cell. These materials prevent a virus from duplicating by being absorbed onto the viral surface protein and thereby blocking the absorption of viral particles to cell surfaces.

Humic acid has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and bolster the immune system.

This is significant because the number of Americans with some form of arthritis or other rheumatic condition is expected to climb to 59.4 million, or 18.2 percent of the population, by the year 2020.

The Annals of Rheumatic Diseases reported that doctors found that people with rheumatoid arthritis has lower levels of common antioxidants in their blood in the years before the disorder is diagnosed. It is not certain if the lower levels of antioxidants is a cause or the effect of the diseases, or indirectly related to the disorders.

It is reasonable to conclude that these humate nutrients in the blood may help eliminate damaging free radicals, byproducts of inflammation related to the chronic diseases. The evidence is clear with respect to the anti-viral properties of humic acid.

These nutrients are easily absorbed by animals and humans as nature intended. This is a perfect example of the balance between nature and science. We must nurture this process to allow our bodies to maintain balance, flight inflammation and lead a healthier, more productive life.

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