Obliques are a problem area for most of the people. At the same time, it can be really troublesome to get rid of the flab, also known as love handles. Most of the abdominal exercises, concentrate only on the upper and lower abs, but do not pay any attention to the obliques. However, this is not a correct practice. Oblique muscles are important for spine flexion, rotation as well as lateral flexion.
Best Oblique Exercises for Women at Home
There are a number of love handle exercises, which you can include in your workout. These exercises can easily be done in the confines of your home as well.
Oblique Twists
This exercise is also known as the broom twist. You will need a bar to do this exercise. Stand straight with your feet wide apart. Place the bar on your shoulders behind your neck. Now slowly twist to the right side, as much as you can. When you twist, make sure you contract the oblique muscles. Return back to the starting position, then twist to the left side. Read on love handle exercises for women.
Side Bends
You will need to use some weights in your hands to do this exercise. Stand straight with your feet apart. Hold weights in both your hands and bend sideways to the side. Come back up and then bend sideways to the other side. When you bend, make sure you bend in a straight line and your torso is in line with your legs. Click to read on love handle exercises to get rid of love handles.
Twist and Bend
This is a variation of oblique twists, but is more intense. Stand with your feet wide apart. Place your hands behind your neck and intertwine the fingers. Slowly twist to the left side, as much as you can and now start to bend sideways. Come up slowly to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side as well. You may want to read on oblique exercises for men.
Side Leg Lifts
One of the best oblique exercises for women. To do this exercise, lie on either side of the body. Lift the leg on top as far as your can. Hold for a couple of seconds and then slowly bring the leg down. Repeat the exercise on one side for 15 to 20 counts and then change sides. You may want to read on love handle workouts.
Oblique Crunch
This is one of the simplest and easiest oblique exercises for women. Lie on your exercise mat and place your feet on the floor. Support your neck with your hands. Now slowly lift your torso off the floor and try to touch the right elbow to the left knee. Come back to the starting position and repeat oblique crunches on the other side.
Bicycle Crunch
This is a compound exercise, which will help in toning the oblique muscles along with the upper and lower abs. Lie on a mat and extend your legs out. Place your hands behind your head. Contract the abdominal muscles and raise your torso off the floor using the abdominal muscles. Lift your right leg off the floor, bend the knee, and try to bring it closer to your chest. Now lift your left leg of the floor, but keep it extended. Slowly twist to the right and try to touch the left elbow to the right knee. Then extend the right leg and bend the left leg and try to touch the right elbow to the left knee. Read on exercises for love handles.
Before you do these exercises, warm up well. Along with these oblique exercises for women, it is also important, that you include some cardiovascular exercises in your workout. Walking exercise and swimming are exercises which will help you to get rid of the flab on the obliques. At the same time, make sure your diet is rich in whole grains, green vegetables and salads. Ensure, there is no place for fried and calorie rich food in your diet.
Best Oblique Exercises for Women at Home
There are a number of love handle exercises, which you can include in your workout. These exercises can easily be done in the confines of your home as well.
Oblique Twists
This exercise is also known as the broom twist. You will need a bar to do this exercise. Stand straight with your feet wide apart. Place the bar on your shoulders behind your neck. Now slowly twist to the right side, as much as you can. When you twist, make sure you contract the oblique muscles. Return back to the starting position, then twist to the left side. Read on love handle exercises for women.
Side Bends
You will need to use some weights in your hands to do this exercise. Stand straight with your feet apart. Hold weights in both your hands and bend sideways to the side. Come back up and then bend sideways to the other side. When you bend, make sure you bend in a straight line and your torso is in line with your legs. Click to read on love handle exercises to get rid of love handles.
Twist and Bend
This is a variation of oblique twists, but is more intense. Stand with your feet wide apart. Place your hands behind your neck and intertwine the fingers. Slowly twist to the left side, as much as you can and now start to bend sideways. Come up slowly to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side as well. You may want to read on oblique exercises for men.
Side Leg Lifts
One of the best oblique exercises for women. To do this exercise, lie on either side of the body. Lift the leg on top as far as your can. Hold for a couple of seconds and then slowly bring the leg down. Repeat the exercise on one side for 15 to 20 counts and then change sides. You may want to read on love handle workouts.
Oblique Crunch
This is one of the simplest and easiest oblique exercises for women. Lie on your exercise mat and place your feet on the floor. Support your neck with your hands. Now slowly lift your torso off the floor and try to touch the right elbow to the left knee. Come back to the starting position and repeat oblique crunches on the other side.
Bicycle Crunch
This is a compound exercise, which will help in toning the oblique muscles along with the upper and lower abs. Lie on a mat and extend your legs out. Place your hands behind your head. Contract the abdominal muscles and raise your torso off the floor using the abdominal muscles. Lift your right leg off the floor, bend the knee, and try to bring it closer to your chest. Now lift your left leg of the floor, but keep it extended. Slowly twist to the right and try to touch the left elbow to the right knee. Then extend the right leg and bend the left leg and try to touch the right elbow to the left knee. Read on exercises for love handles.
Before you do these exercises, warm up well. Along with these oblique exercises for women, it is also important, that you include some cardiovascular exercises in your workout. Walking exercise and swimming are exercises which will help you to get rid of the flab on the obliques. At the same time, make sure your diet is rich in whole grains, green vegetables and salads. Ensure, there is no place for fried and calorie rich food in your diet.
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