Hanging Leg Raises

When your aim is having those six-pack abs, you can't miss out the hanging leg raises. Yes, this is an extremely effective abdominal workout that hits more than one muscle and gives you noticeable results when performed regularly. Definitely, it is also one of those abdominal exercises, which many stay away from due to its level of difficulty and pain in the initial days, if performing this. Well, once you get started, you need to be tough and perform it regularly with the required number of repetitions to get the final result, which is sure to be best after the efforts. So, let's move on to know more about hanging leg raise exercise.

How To Do Hanging Leg Raises?

Before we look at the various benefits of hanging leg raises, let's know how to perform it. The exercise equipment that you will need is a chin-up bar. You can consider buying a chin up bars for home, as you can easily perform this workout at home with other six pack abs workout routine.

Step 1
Start by hanging on the chin up bar with an overhand grip. Keep your arms straight and place them shoulder-width apart. Tighten and tuck-in your abs. Do not stress your back.

Step 2
Now position of your leg depends upon your ability to perform this exercise. Beginners must stick to bend knees position. For intermediate level, you can raise straight legs till mid body. For advanced level of this workout, raise legs, straight, as high as possible. Your lower back must remain relaxed and slightly rounded.

Step 3
Start this effective abs workout by curling your lower body upwards, as high as you can. You will be using your abs muscles for moving your legs upwards. Hold the position for a few seconds and slowly get back to the initial position.

You must at least perform 15 - 20 reps of this abdominal exercise non-stop. Further, you can repeat this exercise until you feel very tired. Be slow while you do the movements. Also, you can gradually increase the level of raising your legs. Added level and more number of repetitions will help you have an intensive workout.

Benefits of Hanging Leg Raises

Starting with your grip, you build a superior grip as you follow this exercise regime. Next, your forearms are also well developed while you perform this 6 pack abs workouts. This is the best workout for developing your core muscles. This also works your lat muscles and lower back muscles along with the abs. No need to mention the extremely perfect workout your abs get while you perform this exercise.

You might feel it difficult to perform and consider other alternatives for toning your abs. But let me tell you that you will be comfortable performing these after 1-2 months of training. Do keep performing, may be less reps at the start which can be gradually increased. Apart from this, you can add some stretching exercises to the routine. These will be helpful for you to perform this exercise more efficiently. Remember that hanging leg raises are known to be even more effective than the very popular crunches for having perfect abs. If performed regularly, these are sure to give you the desired results.

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