Lower Ab Exercises that Work

To get a flat stomach, it is important, that you concentrate when you do your lower ab exercises. You should not cheat and employ other muscle group, when you do these exercises. Otherwise, what ever lower ab exercises, you choose will not work. There is another mistake most of the people commit. It is to overestimate there own physical capacity. When you choose lower ab exercises that work, make sure you take into consideration your current physical capabilities. I would also like to bring your attention to lower back pain, due to ab exercises. If you experience any kind of lower back pain, do not continue doing the exercises. Another important point is not to give momentum to the exercises, instead they should be done with controlled motion for better effects. Now, lets see what are the lower ab exercises that work.

Lower Ab Exercises at Home - I
This is one of the wonderful lower ab exercises for women at home. It can also be done by men as well. To do this exercise, all you will need is a mat. Lie flat on a mat and support your lumbar spine with your hands. Place your hands in such a way that your palms face the floor. Now, tighten your abs and slowly lift your legs to make a right angle triangle with the floor. Hold it in the same position for a few seconds and then lower your legs till they are six inches above the floor. Hold it again and then lift them again. Start off with 10 repetitions of this exercise and you can increase the repetitions, after you have gained sufficient strength in your ab muscles. Read more on lower abdominal exercises.

Lower Ab Exercises at Home - II
Lower abs has traditionally been a problem with women. This is another of wonderful lower ab exercises for women and men. Like in the lower ab exercises at home I, lie flat on the ground, support your lumbar spine and lift your legs to 90 degrees angle. Now, slowly lower your right leg, so that it is six inches away from the floor, but keep the left leg extended up in the air. Now lift your right leg and simultaneously lower your left leg. It will simulate the walking action. Repeat this exercise 15 times with each leg. This is one of the definite lower ab exercises that work, it has never disappointed me. For more information on abdominal exercises at home, click here.

Lower Ab Exercises With Exercise Ball
This lower abdominal exercise is similar to the reverse crunch, but we will do with an exercise ball. To do this exercise, sleep on the floor, fold your knees and bring them towards your chest. Hold an exercise ball in between your feet, but do not forget to place your hands under your buttocks. Now, lift your buttocks off the floor, hold in the position and then lower your legs, repeat this exercise for 15 counts. Read about best exercises to flatten abs, here.

Lower Ab Exercises On Ball
To do this abdominal exercises, lie on the exercise ball by placing head, neck and shoulders on the exercise ball. Bend your knees to make sure your body is in a table position. Slowly lower your buttocks, but make sure they do not touch the floor. Now slowly raise your hips, when you do this your core should be lifted, to come back to the table position. When you raise your hips, the pressure should be on the heels along with the core muscles and not on the toes. This exercise can also be modified to lower ab exercises with weights as well. Read about abdominal exercises with ball here.

Lower Ab Exercises For Men
This is a difficult, but effective lower ab exercise for men. You will need barbell to do this exercise. Keep the barbell in front of you and kneel as you would to do push ups. Keep a shoulder width distance between your hands and slowly push the barbell away from you, as you lower your torso. Make sure your torso does not touch the floor. Return back to the starting position. Although this abdominal exercise sounds easy, it is very difficult to do it, hence you will not be able to do too many repetitions of this exercise.

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