Lose Leg Fat

For many women the trick to having a fit, toned body is in finding a way to lose leg fat. The legs are a trouble spot. Genetics tend to determine the amount of fat that is stored as well as in which areas of the legs. Some women store large amounts of fat in their thighs while others may have too much fat in the entire length of their legs.

Regardless of how much fat you have on your legs or where it is located, there is no way to spot reduce and lose leg fat only from the areas of concern. As with any type of weight loss, you must take steps to lose body fat in order to lose fat from the problem area.

While some women try to reduce the weight in their legs through diet and exercise, there are some common mistakes many of them make which prevent them from obtaining the desired results. These mistakes include:

• Doing the wrong type of exercises for the area you are trying to slim down. If you have large thighs and do strength training in this area without doing aerobic exercise to burn calories and lose fat, you will only increase the size of the thigh.

• Not exercising at all. Women are usually concerned that exercise will only give them bulky, muscular and masculine legs instead of helping them lose leg fat. While strength training will help tone your legs and build muscle, aerobic exercises will burn fat. The right combination of both types of exercise will help you lose weight and develop nicely toned, well-shaped legs.

• Relying only on exercise. Cutting fat from your diet and reducing your intake of junk food is essential for helping to lose leg fat. No matter how much exercise you do to burn the fat, if you are eating more calories than you are burning, you will never see any progress. You will need to cut calories, reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates, and limit fat intake.

• Doing the same exercise repeatedly. For strength training, you need a variety of exercises which will create an overall toned look once the fat is gone. Fat burning exercises don’t help you lose weight in one particular area. For example, riding a stationary bike for two hours a day isn’t going to be as effective as a well rounded exercise program. In fact, it may just add unnecessary stress to your knees!

• Concentrating only on ways to lose leg fat instead of on overall body fitness. The core muscles of the body, which are mostly those in the torso, are important for supporting the rest of the body’s muscles. They also help you function normally when doing everyday tasks. Instead, create a stronger body with more muscle mass to help you burn more calories for ongoing weight loss. For every pound of muscle you have you burn 30-50 calories per day!

The secret to being successful at creating a pair of lean, toned legs is in taking an overall approach to fitness rather than focusing solely on how to lose leg fat to make your legs appear thinner. Do at least thirty minutes of aerobic exercise five to seven days a week. Choose an activity you enjoy to help make it easier for you to stick with your plan. Do strength training three to five times a week, allowing a rest day between working out any major muscle group to get the most benefit overall.

With a sensible approach to exercise and nutrition, you can lose leg fat and have a healthier body from head to toe!

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