People who are crazily working on their muscles always tend to neglect the importance of rest. They simply think that only by doing tons of exercises will their muscles grow. To tell you the truth, this idea is totally wrong and will make you miserable, and it's the most common mistake people make when it comes to muscle building. Usually your muscles grow when they are resting and recovering from heavy exercises. Don't even expect to get the body you want if your training is overloaded and you don't rest enough, the worse thing is, you might hurt your body. It's actually pretty complicated to get everything right and make the whole system running, I mean, one should carefully plan out his training schedule, and aspects such as exercise intensity, nutrition, supplements etc should never be omitted.
A good rest between workouts is very important so make sure your body is ready for the next training when you hit the gym. As a hardgainer I really went through a lot to finally get the perfect body I dreamed of for a long time. It's a good idea to share my experience with you guys and help you avoid all the mistakes I made, so I would love to give you some tips on muscle building.
I would like to start with training intensity. From my experience, you will get better results training hard four days and then let your body rest for another three days each week. By doing this, you will be amazed at the results you get and you won't believe how fast your muscle grows. Make sure you don't train hard for continuous three days, it might be quite hard for your body to recover.
You may heard lots of people recommend doing cardio on your non strength training days, but I don't think it's as effective as it claims to be. Well, in fact doing cardio sometimes slows your body recovery speed, I mean, cardio will over spend the energy of your body which should be used for recovery. You may want to cut cardio in half and see the results for yourself, and I bet you will be surprised.
Hopefully you will find these tips useful in your body building journey. And keep in mind that you will not see results overnight, so just have a little patience and keep up your good work, you will be there before you even know it!
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