A number of people the world over, try very hard to get a flat stomach. Many a times, they do not do the appropriate exercises, hence do not get the desired results. At the same time, it is important to note, along with the ab exercises for women, you will also have to include some cardiovascular exercises in your workout routine, so that you are able to achieve your goal faster. Read more on six pack abs.
Most Effective Ab Exercises for Women
Here are some best ab exercises for women. In simple words these exercises can be done easily in the gym as well as at home and you won’t need any exercise equipment.
Alternate Sit Ups
This is one of the simplest ab exercises for women at home. To do this exercise, lie on the floor and stretch your hands and legs in the opposite directions. Like in full sit ups, raise your torso and with your left hand, touch the right feet. Slowly lower your torso to come back to the starting position. Again repeat the same with your right hand and left feet. When you touch the feet, you will have to hold in the position for 5 seconds for better results. Repeat this exercise for 12 times on each side. When your stamina increases, you can increase the number of counts.
Abs Plank
This ab exercise is a wonderful upper as well as lower ab exercises for women. This is one of those exercise, where you will not have to do a number of counts, but you will have to hold in static position. To do this exercise, lie with your stomach on the floor. Place your hands near your chest. Your toes should be curled under. Now slowly lift your legs, stomach and chest of the floor and hold all your weight on your toes and hands. You may find it difficult to hold in the position initially, but with practice, you will be able to. You can start off with 5 seconds initially. Then come back to the starting position. This exercise can easily be repeated 10 times. Click here to read about lower ab exercises at home.
Side Plank
This exercise will help you in getting rid of the fat on the obliques as well as the love handles. Like the ab plank, side plank is also a static exercise, however a powerful exercise. To do this exercise, you will have to lie on your sides, with the legs together. Slowly lift up your torso and support your weight with the hand on the side you are on. You may need to use the opposite leg for better support. You can fold the opposite leg and keep it in front of your abdomen and make a 90 degrees angle with the floor. Once you are not able to hold in the position, you can release the position. Like the ab plank, repeat this exercise 10 times on either side. You may want to read on lower ab exercises that work.
V Crunches
This is an effective lower ab exercises for women at home. To do this exercise, you will need to use a chair as a prop. Sit on the edge of the chair and your arms should be on your sides. Hold the chair seat with your hands. Lean yourself towards the back of the chair, so that you form a 45 degree angle. Now slowly contract your abdominal muscles and lift your legs and try to bring them closer to your chest. An important point to remember, when you lift your leg, do not to arch your back.
Leg Lifts
This is also one of the best lower ab exercises for women. More often than not, lower abs is indeed a problem for women. Lie flat on the floor and keep your legs straight and keep your hands on either side of the body or under your buttocks. Lift your legs high up to make a 90 degree angel with the floor. Now slowly lower the legs, till they are about 6 to 8 inches off the floor. When you bring your legs towards the floor, make sure you are not arching your back. Repeat this exercise 10 times. If you can, at the end hold the legs at 90 degrees for 10 seconds and about 6 to 8 inches off the floor for 10 seconds. This will give the added impetus for fat burning.
These ab exercises for women will not help, if you do not keep a track of what you eat. You will have to make sure, your diet is free of fatty and fried food. At the same time, your diet should be rich in proteins, so that you will be able to build those abs muscles.
Most Effective Ab Exercises for Women
Here are some best ab exercises for women. In simple words these exercises can be done easily in the gym as well as at home and you won’t need any exercise equipment.
Alternate Sit Ups
This is one of the simplest ab exercises for women at home. To do this exercise, lie on the floor and stretch your hands and legs in the opposite directions. Like in full sit ups, raise your torso and with your left hand, touch the right feet. Slowly lower your torso to come back to the starting position. Again repeat the same with your right hand and left feet. When you touch the feet, you will have to hold in the position for 5 seconds for better results. Repeat this exercise for 12 times on each side. When your stamina increases, you can increase the number of counts.
Abs Plank
This ab exercise is a wonderful upper as well as lower ab exercises for women. This is one of those exercise, where you will not have to do a number of counts, but you will have to hold in static position. To do this exercise, lie with your stomach on the floor. Place your hands near your chest. Your toes should be curled under. Now slowly lift your legs, stomach and chest of the floor and hold all your weight on your toes and hands. You may find it difficult to hold in the position initially, but with practice, you will be able to. You can start off with 5 seconds initially. Then come back to the starting position. This exercise can easily be repeated 10 times. Click here to read about lower ab exercises at home.
Side Plank
This exercise will help you in getting rid of the fat on the obliques as well as the love handles. Like the ab plank, side plank is also a static exercise, however a powerful exercise. To do this exercise, you will have to lie on your sides, with the legs together. Slowly lift up your torso and support your weight with the hand on the side you are on. You may need to use the opposite leg for better support. You can fold the opposite leg and keep it in front of your abdomen and make a 90 degrees angle with the floor. Once you are not able to hold in the position, you can release the position. Like the ab plank, repeat this exercise 10 times on either side. You may want to read on lower ab exercises that work.
V Crunches
This is an effective lower ab exercises for women at home. To do this exercise, you will need to use a chair as a prop. Sit on the edge of the chair and your arms should be on your sides. Hold the chair seat with your hands. Lean yourself towards the back of the chair, so that you form a 45 degree angle. Now slowly contract your abdominal muscles and lift your legs and try to bring them closer to your chest. An important point to remember, when you lift your leg, do not to arch your back.
Leg Lifts
This is also one of the best lower ab exercises for women. More often than not, lower abs is indeed a problem for women. Lie flat on the floor and keep your legs straight and keep your hands on either side of the body or under your buttocks. Lift your legs high up to make a 90 degree angel with the floor. Now slowly lower the legs, till they are about 6 to 8 inches off the floor. When you bring your legs towards the floor, make sure you are not arching your back. Repeat this exercise 10 times. If you can, at the end hold the legs at 90 degrees for 10 seconds and about 6 to 8 inches off the floor for 10 seconds. This will give the added impetus for fat burning.
These ab exercises for women will not help, if you do not keep a track of what you eat. You will have to make sure, your diet is free of fatty and fried food. At the same time, your diet should be rich in proteins, so that you will be able to build those abs muscles.
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