2 Muscle Groups Are Better Than 1 For Showtime

It is summertime and it is time to get to the beach and show off what you have built over the winter. Having a set of well developed arms is a must. The first thing that you do if someone asks you to make a muscle is flex your bicep. In this article we are going to check out some principles of arm training that will have you splitting your sleeves in no time.

As with all muscle groups you are going to want to build a foundation of solid mass. Do not attempt refining exercises in an effort to define mass that is not there. Stick to heavy barbell and dumb bell exercises. To this day, the most effective mass building exercise for your biceps is the standing barbell curl. It is a good idea, when you are building mass, to stay in the 6 to 8 rep range. Lifting heavy like this will stimulate more muscle fibers and in turn that will stimulate muscle growth. Using a standard straight barbell is better than using a curl bar because it will hit the bicep more directly.

You are going to want balanced arm development, and that means that you should be training your triceps just as hard as you are training your biceps. After all your triceps are larger then your biceps, so it is important to build them to match your biceps if you are looking to develop mass. The best exercise for creating tricep mass is the close grip bench press. This compound exercise will really hit the triceps with the high amount of stress that is needed to spur the growth of the muscle. Keep strict form when you perform this exercise so that you are keeping your delts and your pecs out of the exercise.

After you have completed your first heavy compound exercises you can then move onto exercises that will isolate the target muscles more directly. This can be important when it comes to the triceps because it is made up of 3 different muscles. To make sure that you are effectively hitting all 3 heads of the tricep, you can perform exercises like cable station push downs. This exercise is one that you can really feel directly working the tricep. Keep the reps in the 8 to 12 range with this exercise.

It is good to go to a dumb bell movement for biceps after your initial compound exercise. Alternating dumb bell curls are great for a second exercise. I like to perform this exercise while seated to focus all of my attention on the muscle contraction. Using a preacher bench is really great for zeroing in on your biceps with dumb bells also. You really want to fatigue the muscle with these exercises.

Arm yourself with these very effective exercises and you are guaranteed to get awesome returns.

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