Common Construction Site Accidents

Working construction is probably the most dangerous job in the United States. Construction workers face a number of life-threatening situations, including climbing scaffolds, laying roof, building floors and ceilings, and wiring electricity. These men and women handle heavy, dangerous equipment every day and expose themselves to the elements and dangerous chemicals every time they go to work. Due to the nature of the work, when construction site accidents happen, serious personal injuries and even death can result.
Ladders always pose a danger due to the sheer nature of their structure and purpose. When ladders are used to move between different levels on a construction site, injury can be caused in a number of ways. If ladders are not secured properly, they can move, causing the person to fall, sometimes several stories. Falls from ladders can result in brain injury, spinal cord injury, broken bones, and death. Ladder injuries can also occur when someone is carrying heavy equipment. If the ladder shifts under the weight, to the person can fall.
Another common cause of construction site accidents is debris falling from above and landing on workers below. Because dropped items are usually heavy like bricks, wood, or paint cans, the falling debris will surely cause serious injury to the worker down below.
Construction workers are constantly working in high places such as roofs and tall buildings or on bridges or overpasses. Roofers are particularly at risk for falling from a great height. If the fall is as a result of poorly constructed scaffolding or a defective roof, you may have a product liability claim. This could also be the case if you have not been provided with the correct safety equipment or the right training on procedures and safety.
Construction workers are also required to operate heavy machinery on a daily basis. The improper use of power tools and/or heavy equipment can lead to injury either through defects in the machinery itself, inadequate training, or failure to provide the correct safety equipment.
These are just a few of the ways construction site accidents can occur. Should it happen to you, having an experienced construction site accident lawyer help you with your claim can make all the difference. Determining who was at fault for your injuries in a construction site accident can be complex and may involve both individuals and corporations, along with their insurance companies.

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