Six of the Most Common Sports-Related Injuries

So, which are the most widespread injuries to occur among sportsmen / women? And how are they actually caused?

Here are six of the more commonly diagnosed sports related injuries and a little information about each of them -

Pulled or Strained Hamstring.
This type of injury can affect any athlete, but it is mostly experienced by runners or footballers. Hamstring muscles run down the back part of the leg between the pelvis and lower leg bones. A hamstring injury can vary quite a bit in its severity; from a relatively minor strain to a total rupture of the actual muscle.

Tennis Elbow.
The proper medical name for this condition is Lateral Epicondylitis and it is the biggest single cause of elbow pain. It will normally occur over a long period of time if the muscles in the arms (and particularly the forearms) are used repeatedly for a strenuous task. This is why it has become so widely known as ‘Tennis Elbow’ with so many players falling victim to it.

The main cause of Tendonitis is the overuse of certain tendons. These tendons will then become inflamed and cause the sufferer a great deal of discomfort. It is a very common sports injury and it is normally treated with a combination of gentle physical therapy, changes in technique, rest and medication.

Sprained Ankle.
Any type of sprain can be very painful, but a sprained ankle will normally be doubly so; this is simply because ankles support the entire weight of your body.
Other symptoms will usually include bruising, swelling and a large restriction of movement.

Hernia and Groin Injury.
These are very common problems in any sport that puts large amounts of strain on the groin region. Sprinting, kicking and turning will all cause a great deal of stress to the pelvic area and will often result in conditions such as Inguinal Hernia or Sports Hernia (less commonly known as Gilmore’s Groin).
A hernia will often only cause mild discomfort to begin with, but it will normally get progressively more painful over time.

Stress Fracture.
Stress fractures are another very common condition amongst sportsmen / women. Ninety-nine percent of the time they will occur either because of overuse or repeated impact on a hard surface. The fracture itself may only be a very fine crack, but this does not prevent it from being tremendously painful.
The healing time for this type of injury will vary, depending on exactly which bone has been fractured.

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